MAP is an integrated assessment solution.
The assessments in the MAP Suite give a thorough picture of student learning: how much they’ve grown, what they’re ready to learn, and the specific skill gaps they need to master.
The MAP Suite measures exactly what’s needed to give valuable data with maximum efficiency: no more and no less testing than required.

MAP uses anonymous assessment data from over 10.2 million students to create national norms, placing our students within a representative national sample. By drawing from an incredibly wide pool of anonymized test records (pulled from more than six million test events, 23,000 schools, and 49 states), MAP is able to accurately represent the US school-age population.

MAP scores students by RIT score. 

MAP® Growth™ measures student performance with RIT scale. Like centimeters on a ruler, it measures in equal intervals, regardless of a student’s grade or performance—and it remains stable over time. This gives you an accurate measure of student performance, regardless of whether they’re performing on, above, or below grade level.
The video below gives more information on RIT scores (it's written for parents).

Why Educators Use and Trust MAP: Videos - 


  • Primary Grades Test Selection
  • MAP Reports Reference
  • MAP Reports Summary
  • RIT Reference
  • RIT To Concept (Word Lists)
  • Student Data Exercises
  • Teacher Tips Guide

Test Proctor Resources
  • Proctor Guide
  • Proctor Tips and Tricks
  • Student Introduction to MAP Testing


When looking at your students RIT score, compare their scores to the
MAP NORMS CHART, to see the median RIT for your grade/test.
This will help you determine if your student is above or below the average.
Keep in mind that there's a standard deviation for each grade/test, meaning
the average could be a certain number of points above the RIT or below the RIT.
The standard deviation gives you an AVERAGE RANGE, instead of just one specific number.

Here's the chart of NORMS to compare your RIT score to:
This chart can also be found in our Google Drive folder of
MAP Resources -


Student Profile
Analyzes 1 student at a time, showing:
* concepts that need to be reinforced during guided learning
* extension concepts the student is ready for
* projected result for STAAR
* much more!

Student Progress
Shows a student's overall progress:
* from one test to the next (ex. BOY to MOY)
* compared to district grade level average
* compared to the national norm average

Learning Continuum
From the data in the Learning Continuum report, you can:
*create guided learning groups, based on student scores on specific SEs