Wink’s Weekly Words
Click here to read my Blue Ridge community blog
The 3rd quarter is coming an end, and we are winning the game of Excellence for Every Student. It is important to note that
games are won and lost in the 4th quarter. In the 4th quarter kids must execute each and every day to win their game of learning,
growing, and excelling.
In order to ensure that every kid executes, there are a few things I want to remind you to check for in your classroom.
- C4B4Me - Knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do should be ingrained in every student’s head.
- Routines & Procedures - Are they high, tight, and consistent with your colleagues and do they focus on independence?
- Relationships for Learning - Are your relationships pushing kids to reach their +10 goals?
- Engagement - At this point the guided learning, collaborative learning and independently learning should take the majority of your instruction.
- Rigor - Instruction is hinged on the essential skills and making sure that every kid possesses the strategies to master those skills.
Drop a comment by Monday of how you plan to win the 4th quarter, and you will receive a free jeans pass from me
to give to your principal.
Curriculum Announcements
This spring we will begin preparations for the 2018-2019 school year. Two things that we will do include transitions
sheets for our students and improving our lesson planning system. To expedite this process, start taking note of strategies
that help your kids grow, and background information on individual kids that you believe next year’s teachers would need
to know.
For lesson planning next year, start asking yourself these questions. How could this tool be more efficient for me next
year? What is something that annoys me about the lesson plan? What do I do with this tool that makes me feel like I’m
going through motions that intentionally planning to help my students learn, grow and excel.
information will be coming after spring break.
TESTING Announcements
REQUIRED TRAINING - All teachers and paraprofessionals must attend Test Administrator
Training on Tuesday, March 27. Your counselors will give you more information.
printed off and turned into your counselor prior to Test Administrator Training on
Tuesday, March 27 from 3:45 - 4:45. Your counselor may give you more specifics.
SCREENCASTS - Remember that your name and date must be typed on the certificates
before printing. If you need more clarification, please view the following two videos:
Upcoming Events
Wed, Mar 21 - IMPACT Meeting at 3:45 at Central Office
May 30-31
REMINDER - We’re having training on May 30-31. This will help you get 2 of the 5 flex days for 18-19 knocked out right
at the beginning summer!
* May 30 - Vertical teams
* Alignment of 8-12 essential standards
* R10 content experts will be here
* May 31 - Rigor and Mastery Training
* If you’re PLP focuses on differentiation, questioning strategies, extensions, interventions, etc. - THIS DAY
IS FOR YOU. Region 10 will be here to lead these break-out sessions!
If you can’t make these training days due to vacation plans, you must inform your principal immediately.
Allowable Accommodations
Are you logging the accommodations you are using with students?
Professional Learning
The IMPACT team will have peer coaching sessions during the week of March 26, 2018. Stay tuned for more details.
Staff Shoutout
Thank you to the following people who volunteered to help out with our track meets this week.
- Charlotte Todd,
- Jennifer Stroup,
- Renee Murphy,
- BRISD Board Member Phillip Pulliam
Technology Announcements
In order to handle all of your device, program, and other technology needs please remember to submit all requests for
support through Eduphoria. This will allow the technology team to resolve your issues as soon as possible.
Special Programs Announcements
Media Center Announcements
Just a friendly reminder for all print jobs, please send them to: