Wink’s Weekly Words
Click here to read my Blue Ridge community blog
Congrats to our BRHS UIL Academics Team as they finished as the District Runner Up this past Saturday. We are so proud of our kids and coaches for all of their hard work in reaching their best performance in more than a decade. For 2017-2018, our goal for every campus team to win 1st or 2nd at the district meet, and the High School Academic Team accomplished just that with a record high point total of 376 points. Please read my community blog for more information on our academic excellence.Please remember that term contracts are due Monday, April 2 to Shawn Harris.
Professional Learning
The Summer Professional Learning Plan process is beginning. Here are the steps.
- CLICK on this link.
- Make a copy
- File → Make a copy
- To rename, replace the word, Template with YOUR NAME.
- Share with your administrator.
- Complete Steps 1 and 2 BEFORE your Summative Conference with your administrator
- Complete Step 3 and submit to your principal prior to your last work day, May 29, 2018.
Your Summer PLP will include professional learning that you will do this summer that will earn you 5 flex days in the 2018-2019 school calendar. Please note that the professional learning listed in your Summer PLP must be completed prior to August 8, 2018 in order to earn the flex days.
Testing Announcements
Please read your Test Administrator Manual prior test day. HERE is a link to your Test Administrator Training. If you have questions about anything, please consult your counselor.
Business Announcements
If you have not done so already, please make sure that you have created a new username and password for Frontline (AESOP). You cannot access your account until you have done so. Emails were sent our Monday, March 26th with the link. You can now download the app on your phone and use access code 7354.
Staff Shoutout
Thank you to the following people who volunteered to help out with our HS UIL Academic Meet.
- First Baptist Church and First Methodist Church Volunteers with the hospitality room.
- Kenny Williams and Stacey Raymer for serving as contest coordinators
- Angie Lillard for organizing the hospitality room.
- Eduardo Vargas for helping with WiFi issues
Special Thanks to Katie Pelzel and Missy Douglas for all of their extra help in the past 2 weeks with STAAR testing, and to Rene Sawatsky for leading our writing teachers in completing part 2 of the Writing Pilot in grades 4 and 7.
Showcase Showdown
The following people have won a ticket to the Showcase Showdown on Friday, May 25.
- Bob Bean
- Melissa Bolton
- Mary Buchanan
- Taylor Hopper
- Phillip Lentz
- Scott Leslie
- Leslie Patterson
- Joanna Verde
- Donald Young
Upcoming Events
Fri, Mar 30 - Bad Weather Day (NO SCHOOL & HAPPY EASTER)
Mon, Apr 2 - Term Contracts need to be turned in to Superintendent’s Office
Fri, Apr 6 - End of 3 weeks (Make sure gradebooks have minimum number of grades)
Fri, Apr 6 - TELPAS Window Closes
Tue, Apr 10 - Thu, Apr 12 - STAAR Testing Week
Wed, Apr 11 - #LoveMySchoolDay - Use your Twitter and Facebook account to tell the world why you love BRISD.
May 30-31
REMINDER - We’re having training on May 30-31. This will help you get 2 of the 5 flex days for 18-19 knocked out right at the beginning summer!
* May 30 - Vertical teams
* Alignment of 8-12 essential standards
* R10 content experts will be here
* May 31 - Rigor and Mastery Training
* If you’re PLP focuses on differentiation, questioning strategies, extensions, interventions, etc. - THIS DAY IS FOR YOU. Region 10 will be here to lead these break-out sessions!
If you can’t make these training days due to vacation plans, you must inform your principal immediately.