Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week of October 8 (1.8)



Thank you for all of your hard work to make our 1st FA week a great success.  We have great data that will help us all narrow our focus for growth.  Additionally, thank you so much for all that you have done to make September a great one for kids.  You are making this a great school year for everyone.

As we begin October, I challenge each of your to reflect on your C4B4Meroutines, procedures, relationships, and engagement expectations.  Remember these are the 4 kid level areas that inspire students to chase excellence in their learning.   Where do you want to improve in the next 2 weeks?  Where are students falling short?  By setting short-term goals, student achievement always improves.

Upcoming Events

  • Mon, Oct 8 - No School (State Fair Day)
  • Fri, Oct 19 - End of 1st 9 Weeks
  • Sat, Oct 27 - Blue Ridge Fall Festival (contact Shawn if you want to sign up)


If you are in need of training/guidance related to something we have in place here in BRISD, please complete the Professional Learning Request Form.  We are willing to meet one-on-one, in campus teams, or in district groups...all based on need.  There is no such thing as a bad request...if you have a need, do not hesitate to make a request!


 FA2 is due in DMAC Friday, October 19th.  Remember to review the FA Testing Dates & Requirements 2018-19 document for information about Formative Assessments to which you are responsible.  As you begin to design your FA2, please refer to the BRISD Instructions for CREATING Formative Assessments 1819


Please take a moment to review the RtI Flowchart for Blue Ridge ISD.
If you have a student who is struggling, please refer to the flowchart for what to do next.
All CARE (Collaborating About Reaching Excellence) Meetings are called by your campus principal.  Therefore, if your interdisciplinary (grade level) team must schedule CARE Team meetings through your campus principal.  
Please direct any questions to your campus principal.


At times, we tend to only think in terms of engagement being related to commitment.  However, take a look at the commitment piece above...also see the visual of the student to the right.  Commitment to a task is directly related to how well a teacher sells the content (this falls under Relationships for Learning, student to content).  

Think about your least engaged student...or perhaps a lesson that you taught in which you noticed an overall lack of engagement.  How well did you sell your content?  Did you get commitment because of the sell, or did you just expect it?

Focus on getting your students to commit to the lesson/'ll be surprised what it does to engagement.

Check this out: What Great Teachers Do Differently


Remember to bring your Chromebook to all Late Starts, which begin promptly at 7:30am
For future topics and sites, please see the 1819 Friday Late Start Collaboration Calendar

Date: October 5th
Site: Home Campus
Topic: Parade Meeting
Audience: Campus Staff - see Campus Administrator for specifics

Date: October 12th
Site: Home Campus
Topic: RtI Flowchart & Vertical Team Meetings
Audience: All Campus Teachers

Date: October 19th
Site: BRISD School Board Room
Topic: The BRISD RtI Process

Audience: All K-12 Core Content (ELAR/Math/Science/Social Studies) Teachers


Shoutout to Kindergarten teacher Keeley Todd for always
pushing her Kindergarten students toward excellence.
She has built a welcoming classroom environment that promotes
learning and growth.
Shoutout to BRHS paraprofessional Lana Sikes for the excellent job she does of supporting the teachers and students of BRHS. She is always willing to help out anywhere across campus and is a valued member of the BRHS team. 

DMAC TEKScore reports
By default, DMAC sets reports to be printed by teacher rather than by class. If you would like to update your settings to have reports printed by class period follow the steps below. 

1.Navigate to TEKScore and One-Click Report Settings 
2. Select the report that you would like to print by class period
3. Under Print for select class, teacher, or both. Selecting class will run that report by individual class periods.


Sick Leave Bank

Enrollment for the Blue Ridge ISD Sick Leave Bank is beginning this month. The deadline to become a member is Wednesday, October 31st. To join the Sick Leave Bank, all employees must donate 2 days (can be local or state days). Enrollment forms will be distributed to staff members or they can be downloaded here: BRISD Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Form

Why should I join the Sick Leave Bank?
- Provide additional sick leave days to members of the bank in the event of a critical, life-threatening, or catastrophic illness, injury, or non-elective/emergency surgery
- can be used in the event of a catastrophic illness to you as the employee or an immediate family member

Once all completed forms have been received in the Business Office, committee elections will take place. Committee nominations will only be sent to the employees who have donated their 2 days to become a member. Nomination forms will be sent via Google Forms. The committee will have an initial meeting following the results of the nominations. Any meetings after the initial meeting will only occur when requests for days from the sick leave bank have been received.