Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Week of August 27


The above image reflects the Professional Learning
Philosophy of Blue Ridge Independent School District.
Step 1 is initial learning, followed
by Guided Learning, and then Teacher Team.  The final
step is Personalized Growth Plan (PGP).

On Friday, August 24, the DMAC/MAP training will be
at the Initial Learning level as the information is new
to all participants.  The next step for training would be
Guided Learning.
Congratulations on a great 1st week of school.  Your planning and execution was outstanding, and it
showed based on how well the kids responded to you. As you reflect this weekend in preparation for next week, ask yourself these questions:
  • How effective is my C4B4Me with my classes and for my most struggling students?  Where are they resourceful learners or dependent on me?
  • How consistent and independent were my routines and procedures?  Where will I need to tighten up next week?
  • How well did I build relationships with all kids, and how well did I get them interested in my content, and interested in learning with and from their classmates?
The answers to your questions will drive your lesson planning for next week.  In closing, thank you for all that you do for kids, and I truly believe Week 1.2 will be even more exciting than Week 1.1.



BRISD utilizes TEKS Resource System for the scope and sequence related to your subject, as well as other tools designed to enhance your planning.  For a quick reminder on how to access your subject's scope and sequence (YAG), please view this video.  CTE teachers in need of additional support are encouraged to visit the Texas CTE Resource Center.

All consumable curriculum resources have been delivered to the campus principals.  Ms. Stiney is in the process of preparing all online curriculum resources for deployment as quickly as possible.

Please see your campus principal for questions/suggestions/concerns regarding curriculum resources.


Remember that compliance training is to be completed by September 3rd.

Log your compliance training, as well as any other professional learning from this summer in the BRISD Summer Learning Documentation Form.


Please bring your Chromebook to all BRISD Professional Learning

Friday, August 24th is our first BRISD Friday Late Start!
Check with your building principal for attendance expectations vs campus coverage.
We will begin promptly at 7:30am in the BRISD Board Room.  
In order to keep traffic flowing smoothly, please park behind the elementary building, and utilize the elementary sidewalk to access the administration building.  Please do not park in the administration building parking lots.
The topic will be creating assessments in DMAC, and preparing for BOY MAP testing.

Friday, August 31st is a campus level Friday Late Start.
Check with your building principal for attendance expectations vs campus coverage.
We will begin promptly at 7:30am on your home campus.
The topic will be reviewing campus/grade level routines & procedures, as well as ensuring SpEd, 504, and LPAC accommodations are understood and implemented.

Testing Announcements

TEA is in the process of releasing the 2018 STAAR/EOC assessments.  BRISD uses these assessments as the MOCK FA prior to your STAAR/EOC assessment.  With this in mind, please 

Remember that FA1 is due in DMAC on or before September 7th.
Click here for FA testing dates and required subjects.

The beginning of the year MAP testing window opens September 4th and closes September 14th.  Remember that we will be assessing students in grades K-9 in reading and math.  


Thank you to our awesome BRISD District and Campus Office Staff who worked tirelessly to enroll every student and ensure that our data entry was perfect.  

Thank you:  Shawn Harris, Angie Lillard, Tiffani Johnson, Jennifer Adlof, Lynn Langwell, Donna Wiggins and Kelly Waddell

Upcoming Events
  • Mon, Aug 27 - BRISD Board Meeting
  • Wed, Aug 29 - PTO Meeting at BRISD Board Room at 6:30 pm
  • Mon, Sep 3 - Labor Day Holiday
  • Thu, Sep 6 - School Picture Day
  • Fri, Sep 7 - End of 1st 3 Weeks Grading Period (Progress Reports out the next week)
  • Fri, Sep 7 - Deadline to enter FA 1 into DMAC
  • Sat, Sep 8 - Saturday Night in Blue Ridge by BRASA at the Square in Blue Ridge
  • Fri, Sep 21 - Homecoming at 7:00 p.m. and Homecoming Parade at 1 p.m.
  • Mon, Sep 24 - FA1 Assessment Week.

Aesop: An email was sent from Aesop to all newly hired staff members to create a login for requesting a substitute. Follow the directions in the email to set up your Aesop account.

Request forms: Maintenance, Transportation, and Technology Request forms have been moved to Google Forms. Links to these forms can be found under Support Requests Forms or under staff resources on the BRISD website.

Student programs: All online student programs will be ready to launch on September 4th. We will be using Clever as our system for accessing student and teacher accounts. Clever is a tool for accessing all learning applications in one place. This system allows teachers and students to have one username and password to log into all applications. More detailed information about Clever and student accounts will be communicated next week.

Clever Overview Video:


The 2018-2019 Blue Ridge ISD Special Program Coordinators are:

Terra Mathers, Special Education -
Missy Doulgas, Section 504 -
Missy Douglas, At-Risk -
Leslie Patterson, Dyslexia -
Anna Miller, ESL/ELL -
Rebecca Kay, CCMR -
Alise Burke, Gifted & Talented -

These coordinators are ready and willing to assist as needed.  Please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions or concerns.


2018-2019 Budget will be adopted at the Board Meeting on August 27, 2018. Purchase orders will begin being processed September 7th. This will also be the first day checks are cut in the 2018-2019 school year. 

Media Center Announcements
Media Center hours- 7:00-4:00
All media center requests should be sent to