Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Week of April 16 - 20

Wink’s Weekly Words

Click here to read my Blue Ridge community blog

I would like to take this moment to thank you each and everyone of you for your hard work this week.  I know that STAAR testing week is stressful for everyone, but you made it a positive week. I would like to remind you that data is information, not condemnation.  When the results come in May or June, we will respond in the same way we have all year long, with a reflective lens on where we need to grow next.

One test on one day is a snapshot of our work.  It will never be the complete picture nor will it tell the entire story of our journey to excellence.  Furthermore, it does not define our value or even our worth as individuals.  Please remember this as we head into May.  You are great, and you do great things for kids.  Our purpose is not to be good on tests.  It is to be great at growing students and to be excellent at helping each one of them discover their purpose.

Curriculum Announcements

April STAAR testing is over, but May is right around the corner. Formative Assessment Test 5 will be
given next week. Please make sure that you properly prepare and motivate the kids to give their best
because these results will be used to drive interventions and extensions for the 3 weeks leading up to
our next STAAR test.

Remember to follow the Response to Assessment Process after you score your assessments.

Professional Learning

The Summer Professional Learning Plan process is beginning.  Here are the steps.
  1. CLICK on this link.
    1. Make a copy
      1. File → Make a copy
    2. To rename, replace the word, Template with YOUR NAME.
    3. Share with your administrator.
  2. Complete Steps 1 and 2 BEFORE your Summative Conference with your administrator
  3. Complete Step 3 and submit to your principal prior to your last work day, May 29, 2018.

Your Summer PLP will include professional learning that you will do this summer that will earn you 5 flex days in the 2018-2019 school calendar.  Please note that the professional learning listed in your Summer PLP must be completed prior to August 8, 2018 in order to earn the flex days.

Testing Announcements
Thank you for your hard work on this week' testing. Please keep up with your test administrator manual.
You will need it when you administer tests again in May.

Business Office Announcements

If you have not done so already, please make sure that you have created a new username and password for Frontline (AESOP).  You cannot access your account until you have done so.  Emails were sent out Monday, March 26th and again Monday, April 2nd with the link.  You can now download the app on your phone and use access code 7354.

Staff Shoutout

Special thanks goes out to the following people:
  • Kristen Lentz, who in addition to getting her students ready for English 1 EOC and juniors ready for TSI, has been working hard to help Erin Hale with her 7th grade reading and writing lessons.
  • Andrew Carlson went above and beyond to organize and execute the District Track Meet and then he reorganized again for Wednesday when the weather postponed it on Saturday.
  • Rebecca Kay, Missy Douglas, and Katie Pelzel for doing such a great job making our STAAR testing days go so smoothly.
  • Our 5, 8 and EOC teachers (Laura Larsen, Stephanie McPherson, Roma Morgan, Gayla Brummett, Kristen Lentz, Casey Moore, Micki Smith, JD Williams, Terra Mathers) for doing such a great job preparing all of our students to reach their +10 goals for the year.

Showcase Showdown

The following people have won a ticket to the Showcase Showdown on Friday, May 25.  
  • Maribel Arrendondo
  • Rick Bailey
  • Sandra Bocanegra
  • Susan Bohannon
  • Mitzi Mayfield
  • Laura Meserole
  • Roma Morgan
  • Renee Murphy
  • Marie Torres
  • Kelly Waddell
Every week we will pull 10 names.  Find out how many tickets you will get to win the Prize is Right on Friday,
May 25 at 1:30 p.m.

SPECIAL NOTE - You will want to start collecting usual and unusual items because you may get an opportunity to
"Make a Deal".

Upcoming Events
  • Apr 16 - 20 - 5th 6 Weeks FA Testing Window
  • Apr 16 - 20:  PK & Kindergarten Roundup
  • Mon, April 16 - BRISD Board Meeting
  • Mon, April 23 - Begin implementing your responses to the 5th FA
  • Fri, Apr 27 - End of 6 Weeks Grading Period
  • Wed. May 2 - Retirement Planning Seminar
  • May 7 - EOC Testing Week
  • May 14 - ES & MS STAAR Testing Week
  • May 25 - Last Day of School & Showcase Showdown

Technology Announcements

In order to handle all of your device, program, and other technology needs please remember to submit all
requests for support through Eduphoria. This will allow the technology team to resolve your issues as soon as