Wink’s Weekly Words
Click here to read my Blue Ridge community blog
Want to help a struggling student succeed?
Check out this student survey that you can use to reflect with a student?
It will guide students to give you the feedback that will help you make a greater impact
on your students.
It will guide students to give you the feedback that will help you make a greater impact
on your students.
MOY PLP (Middle of the Year Professional Learning Plan)
This summer you all completed the Summer PLP to guide your learning this past summer.
You took your learning and created your T-TESS Beginning of Year Goal.
You met with your principal and decided what level on the Hierarchy of Instructional
Excellence that you wanted to work on this semester.
You took your learning and created your T-TESS Beginning of Year Goal.
You met with your principal and decided what level on the Hierarchy of Instructional
Excellence that you wanted to work on this semester.
Now, to guide your learning for the spring semester, you will need to complete the
1718 Winter BRISD PLP. This is a one page worksheet with supporting documents that
align the Hierarchy to the T-TESS dimensions.
1718 Winter BRISD PLP. This is a one page worksheet with supporting documents that
align the Hierarchy to the T-TESS dimensions.
To get started:
- Click on the link.
- Click File → Make a Copy
- Rename the file: Last Name, First Name Winter BRISD PLP
- Read the directions and complete the information to make your spring semester goal.
- Send to your principal prior to your mid year conference.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact your principal.
Amy’s Announcements
Accommodation Resources
Please remember information from our training in November on Accommodation
Resources. It is imperative that we apply allowable accommodations and document
use of these in the spreadsheet for each campus. Links to needed resources are here:
Resources. It is imperative that we apply allowable accommodations and document
use of these in the spreadsheet for each campus. Links to needed resources are here:
MAP Testing is underway! Hopefully with the installation of fiber, it will be a
smooth process. The window closes on Jan 31. Please see your MAP Coordinator
with any questions (Ashley Elder, Mary Townsend, and Stacey Raymer)
smooth process. The window closes on Jan 31. Please see your MAP Coordinator
with any questions (Ashley Elder, Mary Townsend, and Stacey Raymer)
FA3 Testing will occur in the next couple of weeks. Since testing will happen
over a longer period of time this round, please email me after your tests are
scanned. This will alert me that your data is ready to pull.
over a longer period of time this round, please email me after your tests are
scanned. This will alert me that your data is ready to pull.
Staff Shoutout
A huge thank you to our iMPACT Team Peer Coaches for leading our StaffLearning Day on Monday. We had lots of great planning and discussion and
I’m so appreciative of their work.