Wink’s Weekly Words
Thank you
Thanksgiving break is upon us, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for all that you do for BRISD. As your superintendent, I am continuously humbled by how hard you work, how much you give, and how committed you are to your students and to your personal growth as an educator. I pray that you will have a restful break full of family and friends and that you come back to school on Monday, November 27 ready to chase excellence in December.
#NoExcuseNovember - Ending the ‘I Don’t Know’ Excuse
The excuse of “I Don’t Know” can be eliminated by adding the following phrase, “but I will find out.” The secret to learning is not found in what you know but in confidently taking on what you don’t know yet. The best teachers are learners first.
Amy’s Announcements
REMINDER....MANDATORY STAFF TRAINING!As we know, 504 and SpEd students receive accommodations for state testing. Now, in some cases, our RtI students can also receive designated supports if they're already using them in everyday classroom instruction. Come and learn how to use these supports/accommodations to assist your students, which in turn, gives them needed support for STAAR. This information, applied in your classroom, will make a huge difference with these students.
Two more opportunities after Thanksgiving - November 27 and 29.
Staff Shoutout
A huge thanks to Roma Morgan for working so diligently to complete FA2 for her 8th graders and all of the 7th graders while Mrs. Wade has been out. She's a great team player and very appreciated!
Technology Announcements
As many of your know, we have had issues with the keyboards on our original order of Lenovo Chromebooks (used by all HS students, on a few carts at the MS and some teachers). Because of the continuing problem, Lenovo has agreed to replaced every keyboard on all 400 originally ordered devices.To accomplish the repair, we will be sending EVERY DEVICE to Lenovo over the Christmas holiday. This will require us to collect these devices before the break and reissue upon return.
FOR TEACHERS WHO HAVE A LENOVO DEVICE: We will need to collect yours, as well. We are working to see if we have enough devices in inventory to issue you a temporary device. More details will follow concerning this.
Sorry for this inconvenience, but we're glad that Lenovo will be helping to get these devices back to a desired condition.
Professional Learning
- November classes are listed in Eduphoria and HERE -
- Make sure you sign up and complete the survey to receive credit.
Special Programs Announcements
- Dyslexia
- Blue Ridge ISD Dyslexia on FB -