Wink’s Weekly Words
Assessments will begin next week, so now is the time to make your game plan for responding to the data. Please go to the BRISD Instructions for Formative Assessment 17-18, and scroll down to Week 6 & 1. These are the important steps that you will need to go through in order to analyze your data. It is critical that you analyze your 8-12 most essential standards which in all likelihood will be your readiness standards. Use the data to make a plan to do the following:
- Spiral critical skills into your 2nd 6 weeks instruction,
- Make guided learning plans and tutorial groups.
- Reflect on instructional strategies that need to be replicated, revamped or replaced.
Also, it is critical that you make a plan to have the students analyze their data using the Student Goal Sheet. This step is critical so that they take ownership of the data and make their +10 plans for future growth.
Finally, please make plans to collaborate with your peers and teachers who share kids with you. This is a powerful time for you to make plans for next steps in the 2nd 6 weeks. Your principals will give you more specific direction on your meetings to reflect on the data and create targeted responses for all kids.
By making your plans for response to assessment one week in advance, you are setting yourself and your students up for success in the 2nd 6 weeks. Don’t miss this opportunity to plan your reflection.
Mr. Wink’s Weekly Blog to the community.
Staff Shoutout
A big thank you to these three wonderful ladies - Ashley Elder, Mary Townsend and Stacey Raymer - for all of their work as our MAP Coordinators. They have put in a lot of time and I appreciate them very much. Thank you ladies!
Curriculum Announcements
- TEACHERS - I need a few teachers who will serve on our District Textbook Committee, which will help me evaluate potential adoptions. If you’re willing to serve, please let me know. It won’t require much time. I would appreciate it greatly.
- This blog will continue to have MORE AND MORE information posted on it. Please use it as the first place you look for documents, dates, training resources, etc. It’s a work in progress - I’ll work on it as time allows...please provide feedback to me when you can’t find on it what you need. THANKS!
Technology Announcements
When you need help with any technology issue, you must put in a ticket through HelpDesk. Along with requests related to hardware for Eduardo under the Title "Technology - Hardware", a second technology category has been added called "Technology - Program Support."
This would include issues related to:
1. Student accounts needed in programs
2. Specific program needs (Google, Eduphoria, Content programs, MAP, etc.)
3. Student login issues
4. Website - items to post/issues/questions
5. Etc.
This will streamline the process and make sure we give attention to staff needs.
Professional Learning
- September Professional Learning has been posted here and in Eduphoria -
- As a reminder, here's a link to the BRISD Staff Development Plan, outlining levels of PD that can obtained this year -
- We're also doing another Twitter Chat on September 25th.
- After you attend a class, TO RECEIVE CREDIT, you have to do the survey. This will enable you to print a certificate in Eduphoria.
Business Office Announcements
- Six Weeks Attendance checks will be issued on Tuesday, October 10th.
- Food service balances may NOT exceed $75 for employees or employee’s children. Please make sure you are keeping an eye on your account so this does not become an issue.
- Regarding student meals: General Operating will pay for approved student meals beyond District. General Operating will not pay for any student meals for practice events. Activity account funds may be used with prior approval and available funds.
Special Programs Announcements
- BR Dyslexia Notes -
Miscellaneous Announcements
The following student discipline resources, updated to reflect changes from the 85th Legislative Session, are now available on TASB’s website:
- The text of Education Code Chapter 37, Subchapter A, which is updated by TASB Policy Service and must be provided to each teacher and administrator
- The Chapter 37 Offenses and Consequences Chart, which is provided by TASB Legal Services to assist school officials in determining the appropriate disciplinary responses to student offenses committed both on and off campus
See Mr. Wink’s blog for sports & community events.
- 9/25 - 9/29 - 1st Formative Assessments Given
- Fri, Sep 29 - End of 6 Weeks Grading Period (Eligibility Check)
- Mon, Oct 2 - School Holiday for Texas State Fair