Monday, October 17, 2016

New Students Added to Programs

BRISD Staff:
I wanted to let you know the system this year for getting new student accounts on all the programs we use.

When a new student enrolls, a campus secretary will enter all needed information into a spreadsheet and email your campus iMPACT Team Lead (Pelzel, Fritchman, Stiney and McPherson.)

The Team Lead will inform the MANY WONDERFUL STAFF MEMBERS who are graciously offering to help in making these accounts:
Dayna Price, Rene' Sawatsky, Katie Pelzel, Melissa Stiney, Stephanie McPherson, Kimberly Fritchman, Scott Leslie, Mary Townsend, Sarah Hall, Dena Hamilton, Eduardo Vargas, and Patti Levi.

They will make the needed accounts within 2 days.
If you have a student who can't access the program within a couple of days, email your iMPACT Team Leader and they will investigate.

I have faith that this system will work beautifully and our students will have access to each program in a timely manner.

These programs include:

  • Istation; PK-5
  • Think Through Math; 3-8
  • AR; K-8
  • Go Math; K-8
  • Science Fusion; K-5
  • Google; 5-12
  • McGraw Hill - Social Studies; K-12
  • STEMscopes; 6-8
  • Writing Coach; 6-8
  • Compass Learning; 6-8
  • Apex Learning; English I and II
* Also, Library System login and computer login.