Thursday, August 30, 2018

Week of September 3


Thank you for another great week of hard work and guaranteeing that every child learns.  I had a few people state that they liked the image I created with the word, believe and the number 13.  As a reminder, everyone of us owns 1/13 of a child's life this year, and our belief in kids impacts whether or not they learn, grow, and excel this year.  

As you reflect on your work this week, ask yourself this question.  Which kids am I having a hard time connecting with?  Is this connection issue affecting my belief in their ability to learn, grow, and excel.  Sometimes we don't see an immediate result from our efforts; therefore, we have to believe it before we will see it.  Don't underestimate your impact.  You are making a huge difference.  

Steps to become a registered voter
1. Request voter registration forms from the Secretary of State. Online order form or PDF form to mail or email your request. 

Request voter registration forms from your county elections office.


What I'm Reading

Six Strategies to Help Introverts Thrive at School and Feel Understood
How to Talk to Parents  from Edutopia


BRISD utilizes TEKS Resource System for the scope and sequence related to your subject, as well as other tools designed to enhance your planning.  For a quick reminder on how to access your subject's scope and sequence (YAG), please view this video.  CTE teachers in need of additional support are encouraged to visit the Texas CTE Resource Center.

All consumable curriculum resources have been delivered to the campus principals.  Ms. Stiney is in the process of preparing all online curriculum resources for deployment as quickly as possible.

Please see your campus principal for questions/suggestions/concerns regarding curriculum resources.


Log your compliance training, as well as any other professional learning from this summer in the BRISD Summer Learning Documentation Form.


Please bring your Chromebook to all BRISD Professional Learning

Friday, August 31st is a campus level Friday Late Start.
Check with your building principal for attendance expectations vs campus coverage.
We will begin promptly at 7:30am on your home campus.
The topic will be reviewing campus/grade level routines & procedures, as well as ensuring SpEd, 504, and LPAC accommodations are understood and implemented.

Friday, September 7th is a district level Friday Late Start.
Check with your building principal for attendance expectations vs campus coverage.
We will begin promptly at 7:30am in the BRISD Board Room.  
In order to keep traffic flowing smoothly, please park behind the elementary building, and utilize the elementary sidewalk to access the administration building.  Please do not park in the administration building parking lots.
We will be discussing how to document Allowable Accommodations for FA and STAAR testing.  If you are a core subject and/or special education teacher in 2nd through 11th grades, you need to plan to attend.

Friday, September 14th is a campus level Friday Late Start.
Check with your building principal for attendance expectations vs campus coverage.
We will begin promptly at 7:30am on your home campus.

The topic will be reviewing and responding to MAP Reading and Math data within vertical campus Math/Science and Humanities teams.
ALL DISTRICT SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS will attend a required training regarding X Logs and the Random Moment of Time samples at district administration.

Testing Announcements

TEA has released the 2018 STAAR/EOC assessments.  BRISD uses these assessments as the MOCK FA prior to your STAAR/EOC assessment.  With this in mind, please 

Remember that FA1 is due in DMAC on or before September 7th.
Click here for FA testing dates and required subjects.
Click here for Instructions for Creating FAs

The beginning of the year MAP testing window opens September 4th and closes September 14th.  Remember that we will be assessing students in grades K-9 in reading and math.  

Elementary: IStation, F&P,  and AR testing windows open September 4th.

Be sure to check the 2018-2019 Blue Ridge ISD Testing Calendar for important testing dates throughout the school year.


Thank you to Missy Douglas and Greg Smyder for successfully launching the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Blue Ridge Elementary. They had a GREAT turnout of dads, stepdads, uncles, and granddads at the initial meeting who are interested in working with the students of BRISD! 

Upcoming Events

  • Mon, Sep 3 - Labor Day Holiday
  • Thu, Sep 6 - School Picture Day
  • Fri, Sep 7 - End of 1st 3 Weeks Grading Period (Progress Reports out the next week)
  • Fri, Sep 7 - Deadline to enter your 1st FA in DMAC 
  • Sat, Sep 8 - Saturday Night in Blue Ridge by BRASA at the Square in Blue Ridge
  • Sun, Sep 16 - Paint the Town Green for Homecoming Week
  • Fri, Sep 21 - Homecoming at 7:00 p.m. and Homecoming Parade at 1 p.m.


All online programs will be available for teacher and students to access beginning on SEPTEMBER 4th through Clever. If you have any issues accessing teacher and student accounts please email

To access teacher and student accounts BRISD uses a tool called Clever. Clever allows teachers and students to log into multiple online accounts using only one username and password. This reduces the amount of wasted instructional time spent on logging into accounts. To get started with Clever and to begin accessing your online programs please view the following resources. 

To log into your Teacher Clever account click on the Clever app logo in the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser and sign in with your BRISD Google account information. You can also go to and sign in with your BRISD Google account information.


New announcements and information regarding special programs have been added to the Special Programs page in the Teacher Toolbox blog!!

Please complete the Gifted and Talented Teacher Information form for the 2018-2019 school year.

The 2018-2019 Blue Ridge ISD Special Program Coordinators are:

Terra Mathers, Special Education -
Missy Doulgas, Section 504 -
Missy Douglas, At-Risk -
Leslie Patterson, Dyslexia -
Anna Miller, ESL/ELL -
Rebecca Kay, CCMR -
Alise Burke, Gifted & Talented -

These coordinators are ready and willing to assist as needed.  Please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions or concerns.

Media Center Announcements
Media Center Hours: 7:00-4:00